Prescription for Pre-Holiday Stress


Are you multi-tasking at the moment? Wondering how you are going to get everything done before the guests arrive or you pack up to head out of town?

1. Stop, as soon as you can (please do NOT let the boiling pot burn down your house, and DO help Johny’s boo-boo).

2. Go get a piece of paper (check the garbage can – the piece must be bigger than a gum wrapper).

3. Grab a pencil or pen (the only thing I could find near the computer this morning was an orange highlighter … it worked just fine).

4. Number your paper down the side as far as you can.

5. Next to each number write down a blessing. At first it might be like a slight sprinkle, but soon you’ll get warmed up and it will develop into a steady rain, maybe even a down-pour. You’re doing great!

6. Now that you’re warmed up, write down what is troubling your spirit today. It could be sickness, a broken dishwasher, the prospect of facing the holidays without a certain loved one this year, disappointment, rejection, loneliness, financial woes, exhaustion, worries about how the family is going to “get along” this Thanksgiving … anything that causes your heart to ache, tears to fall, or your fist to want to hit the wall.

7. Now, give the list to God. Pray through the list, thanking Him. If it seems impossible to thank God sincerely for the trial you are facing, ask Him for strength to thank Him. God can use even “bad” blessings, things that tear us apart, for good.

If our lives were perfect, why would we need Him? And who would want to listen to us if we haven’t been blown about by life’s turbulance? People cannot know what we believe is real until they see it tested by time and trials.

8. Let God lift your spirit in full assurance that He knows and loves you, while He offers you His presence and supply through anything and everything, 24/7/365!

“Even there _______________________ Your hand shall lead me,
and Your right hand shall hold me.” Psalm 139:10

The fill-in-the-blank line was added by me. There is room on that line for whatever is on your heart, dear Friend. If you follow this recipe once, it should greatly help you during the hurry and scurry of this holiday season. If once isn’t enough, reapply daily as needed! Happy Holidays!

P.S. Read Psalm 103

To learn more about thanks-living, read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

Image courtesy of

One thought on “Prescription for Pre-Holiday Stress

  1. Your recipe looks delicious, Sara! 😉 I definitely need to slow down and be thankful this season…rather than just “doing” Thanksgiving.

    I bought One Thousand Gifts and half-finished it before I had to put it down because it was so deep. Then life got in the way and I haven't picked it up again. Maybe the Thanksgiving traveling will be the perfect time to pick it up again…


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