There Is a Rock Unmoveable [Malachi 3:6]

Change.  There are constant changes in the weather, government, social expectations, schedules, appearance, numbers on the scale, gas prices, moods, friendships, health, technology, location, styles, stages in life, etc. The world system reminds me of a magnet, spinning faster and faster while threatening to suck people into a cloud of meaningless exhaustion and turmoil.  We are so easily side-tracked off the road of faith by the rabbit trails of restlessness, a product of a world changed from perfect to pernicious by our faithless disobedience.  It is enough to make me wish for a spiritual AAA number – come pick me up!  I’ve been stranded.  Thankfully there is something better … and my restlessness brings me to that point once again.

Tonight the vortex is threatening to undermine my security: my boys are sprouting up before my eyes, my body is aging, friendships come and go, moods ever wavering.  It’s easy to see the fickleness of the world, and less easy to see it in myself. I am soooo thankful that God is unlike me.  How awesome to consider my Best Friend is Someone so absolutely perfect that there is no room for improvement, never a sliding back due to celestial laziness.  Perfect Love!  Perfect Wisdom!  Perfect Strength!  Perfect Holiness!

“For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed,

O sons of Jacob.”  Malachi 3:6 NKJV

Thank You, God!  Because I belong to You, I will not be a satanic casualty.  Because of You there is absolute truth and rock-solid security in my world.  Help me to shine as a beacon of Your light to those caught up in their own religion of no absolutes. Jesus is my Rock in a weary land.  Selah.

3 thoughts on “There Is a Rock Unmoveable [Malachi 3:6]

  1. What a great foundation to stand on every morning. May this blest assurance control, that Christ has regarded my helpless estate and has shed his own blood for my soul. Thank you Lord!

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